Friday, July 25, 2008

Look who's talking...

I've been wanting to post for awhile all the cute and funny little things that Aaron has been doing lately, but I haven't had a chance. Hopefully I'll get it together & put up some kind of list of his milestones big and small.

The biggest thing lately is how much he's been talking. And all the "words" that he says. It so funny to hear these words come out of my "baby's" mouth, of course it's just because I still look at him as this little baby but the truth is that he's almost 14 months old!!

Here are some of the words he says:

~"wooo" like when he farts or has a stinky diaper he'll wave his hand in front of his nose & say "wooo" (Whew)

~"ha" (hot), when he gets close to the stove he always says this & waves his hand in front of his face in the same motion as when he

~"wow" when he sees something really cool.

~"num-nums" when he's eating or wants something to eat.

~"mmmmm" (really exaggerated) when he's eating something really delicious like Doritos!

~"Spy" (spike) when he's calling the dog.


~"bad, bad, bad", my poor baby gets into trouble a lot.

~"uuummmm" when he's thinking really hard or trying to make a decision.

~"Da-U" (thank you) usually when you give him something.

& all the "norms" .... "ma-ma", "da-da", "pa-pa", "grm-a"(grandma..that one's really cute to hear), "wa-wa" (water), "bye"

~"Uh-Oh" this is one the first things he started saying, it's my favorite so cute in his big deep voice.

~"Uh-Uh" as saying NO to me, he got this one from copying Lilly she says the same thing when she doesn't want to do something.

~"DA-r" (there) he'll say this when he hands you something...and he hands me everything, one by one, toys, papers etc.

~"hi" & "O" (hello), "hey" ...he'll get my cell phone or the house phone & hold it up to his ear & say "O" I'm guessing this is "hello" & he's copying how I answer the phone.

~"bubba" & "bubba" is "brother" and the other is "bubba" for his bottle, they sound almost exactly alike to the untrained ear, only we can tell the difference.

~"BA" (Boo) in his deep man voice, he says this when ever I'm putting his shirt on & it goes over his head, he'll say "BA" (boo) when his head comes out the top of his shirt.

I think he's mastering mimicking his brother and sister because he always tries to say the same words as them and if they're laughing he'll start laughing too, he doesn't know why, he's just copying them! It's so funny and cute to see all this take place, he is talking a lot quicker than the other two kids did. I guess it's because he's learning by example & they never stop talking all day long!! LOL!!