Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Should we or Shouldn't we??

My precious boy with precious curly reddish-brown locks...
And his Dad is giving me a hard time about cutting it all off!!
Oh, just the thought of it makes me want to cry,
If I trim those locks, how will he look??...He'll look like a little man, that's what he'll look like!
I want him to be my baby for as long as possible...
If he doesn't want to walk...fine, I'll carry him as long as he wants me to.
If he wants his bottle until he's 5...fine, I'll lovingly fill each bottle with milk.
Since I'm not having any more babies..he's my last one...my only one...and I want him to be a baby as long as he wants to be!
Selfish.?? Maybe...but I just want those beautiful baby curlies for at least a little while longer.
What do you think???


Ivan My Love said...

Why do you think Ivan is so spoiled!!!! No don't cut his hair, it gorgeous. well the good thing is that hair grows back!! We are enjoying all these memories too!!!