Sunday, June 22, 2008

Don't Try This At Home:

Oh, my baby boy gets into EVERYTHING these days! He's always in some kind of trouble.

He opens the cabinets and takes out all of the pots and pans, he pulls all of the books off of the shelf, rolls all the toilet paper off the roll!! The list goes on and on and on!!

So today I wasn't surprised when I found him in the dishwasher!! And he was totally having fun too!

I had to take a picture to prove what a little trouble maker I have on my hands!

But as his Grandma would say...He's just exploring the world!!

Click here to see all the pics and get a little chuckle!


Floresitas said...

ay!! Travieso!! Just watch out for the electrical outlets!! This one looks just like the chavoya side! Too cute!

pookymadera said...

Yeah, we already have to watch out for the outlets...the day of his party he crawled around the house "un-plugging" all my Glade 'Plug-Ins'!!!!