Sunday, April 6, 2008

Princess Lilly

I know I have my two wonderful boys, but there is something about having a girl that is different!
I absolutely love having my girlie-girl Lilly. She is a total princess in pink, I adore everything about her.
Her curly hair she got from me but the color of her hair comes from her dad. Her eyes are mine. And her dimple cheek must come from her Nina Mimi. Her cute little fingers & toes. All of her features are wonderfully beautiful and I just can't get enough of her!
OK, so let's just forget for a minute that I can't wean her from a bottle. And that she's not potty trained yet. And that this morning she told me to "shut up". I would not change one little thing about my princess Lilly, I love her oh, so much!!


Anonymous said...

Of course those precious dimples are mine! Hello!? jajajaj I really enjoyed the "shut up". So much love in one little phrase. JAJAJAJJA!

Ivan My Love said...

Your"princie"! Like gerardo calls her. But I like"lilly bear". She is a doll!