Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Disneyland Vacation

This year we were blessed again to be able to go on a Disneyland Vacation with the Chavoya family! And believe me, we had the time of our lives!! Especially since we got 4 day park hopper tickets, we got to see ALL of Disneyland & CA Adventure, we didn't miss a thing!!

Since Grandma (my mom) has been fighting cancer, she is still in pain & fighting for her life. But, she decided she wanted to take her whole family on a Disneyland Vacation to have some wonderful memories that would last a lifetime!

We stayed in a beautiful suite right across the street from Disneyland, so all we had to do is walk right across the street every morning!

It was such a wonderful, fun time! I am so very thankful to have this trip with my parents. I don't know if this will be the last Disney Vacation we will take. I hope not. But, if it is, it was a beautiful, memorable one & it will live in the hearts of me & my children forever!



Dj Semi said...

nice blog:D I like flowers ;)

Unknown said...

Cong ty Nha vui
Mau nha dep Cong ty nha vui
Cong ty Thiet ke nha vui

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- تعد شركة تركيب اثاث ايكيا من الشركات المفضلة لكثير من العملاء فهم من منحوها الصدارة والتميز لتميز الخدمات المقدمة لهم وهي الاولي في تركيب الاثاث لزيادة خبراتها الكبيرة لسنوات.
تتميز ايضا شركة خبراء المملكة بكبر فرق العمل المتخصصة والمدربة بمهاره وتقنية عالية كما اننا ندعم صفوفنا بصفة مستمرة من العمال والموظفين والفنيين الأكفاء والمهرة كما انها نستقبل العمالة الفليبنية

Rudraksha Ratna said...
