His favorite website is nickjr.com, he watches Yo Gabba Gabba, Ni Hao Kai-Lan, The Wonder Pets, Go Diego Go, Dora the Explorer and all of the others...
I really cannot complain too much about his addiction to the computer and to the t.v. because he is actually one of the most gifted 2 year olds I have ever seen!...
He knows, by sight, about 1/2 of the alphabet, and even knows the sounds that they make!! Just yesterday when we were walking into Kohl's, I asked him what each letter was and he KNEW K, O, H, L, S,...he said without missing a beat!!
He can also count to 10 and knows, by sight, the numbers 1-10!! If we get into an elevator I can tell him to push "3"...and HE WILL, he won't push any other buttons except the number that I tell him to!!
Even though I am his mom, I do believe that he is advanced for his age, I may be wrong as far as the exact milestones should be, but I am just going by/comparing Aaron to my other two children, both Jacob and Lilly learned their alphabets and letters around 4 years of age. Am I bragging...yeah, maybe..but hey!...he's my kid..that's allowed right???
He is a special boy! And his Tia's have even said that he is 'super special' and 'marches to the beat of his own drum'....he is one heck of a kiddo!!
Good Job Aaron!!
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