Then...just as we were starting to sit down, Aaron tried to pull out his own chair and sit down...and then it happened.....

All I heard was a blood curdling scream and saw Aaron lying on the floor and next to him was the big wooden chair that he was trying to sit in. I jumped up, grabbed him and noticed blood pouring from his chin. I rushed him to the bathroom where I tried to wash him up, but the blood seemed to be pouring from his face! It looked like a scene from a horror movie, I had blood dripping down my neck from him clinging to me, he had blood all over his face...it was all I could do not to faint right then and there.
Well, after we got the blood to stop rushing, we could see a big gash on his chin. To me it looked like he might have bitten all the way through his lip to the outside of his chin, I had seen that on an episode of Jon & Kate plus eight..and I was just sure that is what happened.
After a frantic phone call to Kaiser and speed-driving across Madera county to Fresno Kaiser, we made it to the doctors office. At this point Aaron was actually in good spirits and had quit most of the crying....
Until, that is...he saw...the doctor...
That's when screams in a decibel I had never heard before began! And he screamed.."mommy", "daddy".."mommy"..."daddy"....for the next 2 hours.
The doctor said he would need stitches and he was taken to a surgery room. He was wrapped up 'papoose' style so he couldn't move and then his face was covered with a sterile drape. This made our baby boy cry even more and yell out to us for comfort. Which, of course, made me cry just about as hard as he was!!
In the end, he fell asleep while getting the stitches. He got 2 stitches, which he will get removed this Thursday. The doctor was actually really wonderful and patient. He did a great job with the stitches...even though Gerardo and I kept looking at each other and praying he would hurry up...we are glad in the end that he took his time because the last thing we want is a big, ugly scar on our cute boy's face.
So, like Noemi says...there is ALWAYS something happening in the Chavoya-Flores household...and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon...lol!!!
D'oh! Scary. Get well soon curly fry!
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