In honor of our Baby Boy turning 1 this month, I'm putting my hubby's favorite pictures up on the blog.
These 3 pics are G's most favorite pics in the whole world of his little baby boy! They were taken in December 2007 on one of our trips to Stockton to visit G. Aaron was 6 mos old in these pics, he looks so little and cute.
Sometimes when we start missing daddy too much, I'll pack up the kids and go stay in Stockton for a day or two...just to spend a few extra hours with him! Me & the kids will find stuff to do during the day while G's at work & then get to spend the evening with daddy, which is so great because sometimes me and the kids really start to miss him alot, especially when he's gone for more than 10 days in a row! We usually stay in Tracy, closer to where G works in Mountain House. This time we were at The Holiday Inn, Aaron looked so comfy & cute on the big bed!
G really loves this pic because he loves how Aaron looks in these little blue pj's. They fit him perfect at the time and he wore them so much that he wore out the toes!
G will usually try to visit us at least once at the hotel while he's on duty so the kids can see him in his uniform and play in the patrol car. Lilly and Jacob never want to get out once they start playing!
And I have an opportunity to get some great pics of the kids with their daddy the deputy that we are so proud of and miss so so much when he's gone!
CUTE! I love the "wore out the toes" part. Made me giggle but I miss those little pj's. (wiping tear)That's daddy's boy alright!
Aaron Gerardo is the Adorablest!!!!! A future heartbreaker!!! Happy father's Day G-rad!!!! I AM SOOOO PROUD!!!SOOO PROUD!!! SI SE PUEDE!!!
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