As we approach our 5 year wedding anniversary, I just thought I'd share a pic of 'the good ol' days', j/k. I just found this pic & I couldn't believe how young & thin we look. & check out my long curly locks. Man, what a couple of kids will do to ya!!! lol!
But it was a great day. It was so great to have our family & friends there that we love. & that buffet at the Rio was 'the bomb'! & so were those gigantic margaritas that some of you all had!!
Anyway, I'm getting off subject here.
I was really just posting so my hubby can know how much I love and appreciate him. & I am so glad to be a 'contributing' member of this marriage once again. On March 19Th I got my first reimbursement check & things are really starting to look up for us.
The money is good, but as we all know, money isn't everything, of course, the best part is being able to take some of the burden off of my husband. Being able to pay all of our bills (on time) this month was a great accomplishment & a great feeling for us.
I am so grateful to Gerardo for supporting us over the last couple of years. We believed that our kids needed a full-time mom & he made sure that is how it would be, no matter how much overtime or how much time away from his kids and family he had to sacrifice. I love him so much for that.
But, like I said, things are looking up. With this new position that Gerardo has, we should be able to spend a lot more time with each other & with family members. Weekends off are going to be wonderful! One of Gerardo's sisters told me recently that Gerardo looked a lot more relaxed the last time that she saw him, & I really hope and pray for my hubby that that is the truth.
So, relax & have a beer Gerardo! We love you!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hey! I got a paycheck!
Posted by pookymadera at Monday, March 23, 2009 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Aaron Screams for Ice Cream...
Here he is totally excited at the sound of the ice cream truck coming down the street!!
Posted by pookymadera at Friday, March 20, 2009 1 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Yep..It's Official now...
Gerardo got the 'official' word today. He will be starting his new position as Bailiff in Stockton Court House on Monday March 16Th.
He has mixed feelings about the change, as with any new job/position there are good points & bad points, but I'm sure he'll share those feelings with some of you. Hint, hint Efren...get a couple of Cheladas ready for my hubby!
I did get in 'trouble' for blogging earlier about his transfer. He told me..."Have you told Noemi??"..."Because I want to tell her!"..
Oops....I had to tell him that I had already Blogged bad. So, sorry Noemi, G wanted to give you the news himself, but I couldn't contain my blogging excitement! lol.
Posted by pookymadera at Wednesday, March 11, 2009 7 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My Hubby..The Bailiff....
Posted by pookymadera at Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Our Playdate to Chuck E Cheese
I know we just got back from Disneyland, but the fun continues...
We decided to get out of the house today & have a play date with our kiddos & Noemi and Baby Damian!
It was so much fun! The kids had a blast, they ate tons of pizza & ran around like crazy!!
Posted by pookymadera at Thursday, March 05, 2009 1 comments