Friday, August 29, 2008
Chaffee Zoo

Posted by pookymadera at Friday, August 29, 2008 1 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.
Sometimes I sense a little flutter,
Like a shadow swiftly slipping by,
Or I hear a silent gentle murmur,
Like a soft whisper from the sky.
Sometimes I hear you call my name,
Or I clearly see your face before me,
And I feel that you are with me still.
Then peacefully I come to know,
As I am thinking happy thoughts of you,That you, my grandma, are thinking of me, too.
I wanted to share something special that happened last week; I took the kids to the Los Angeles Zoo. For those of you who haven't been there, it is a truly beautiful place, lots of trees and flowers, and big animal exhibits.
The kids & I walked along the paths & just enjoyed each other and all the beautiful surroundings.
At one point we were walking down an empty pathway, trees and flowers along both sides of us. We were walking in silence, Lilly holding my hand, and Jacob pushing Aaron in his stroller.
All of a sudden, Lilly stopped, Looked around, & then looked up at me & said "Mommy? Where's Grandma Chayo?" As clear as day.
It took me back a little bit & I tried to run the day through my head, I tried to remember if we had mentioned her that day, but I had been alone all day with the kids while Gerardo was in training.
Lilly didn't spend much time with her Grandma Chayo & I don't know why she happened to mention her that day. I guess we'll just believe that Grandma Chayo came to visit Lilly, if only for a second, to keep her in her little memory, so she could feel & remember her Grandma's love.
Posted by pookymadera at Tuesday, August 26, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My Daredevil Son Aaron:
Aaron & Lilly have been obsessed lately with playing outside. Which I'm not too happy about in this heat, but I take them out for short periods of time so we don't get too hot!
They have their Little Tike's playground that they LOVE to play on, and my little "baby" boy Aaron has become quite the daredevil:
He climbs up the slide...THE WRONG WAY... & then slides down on his belly BACKWARDS of course..LOLOL...he usually follows with a big exaggerated laugh at the bottom of the slide. He's too funny!!
Posted by pookymadera at Thursday, August 14, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
On Top of Spaghetti...
Posted by pookymadera at Tuesday, August 05, 2008 2 comments