No vacation pictures or stories yet...I am SO sick with the flu! The bug hit us the day we got back from so. ca. Me, Lilly and my poor baby Aaron are all sick, although I seemed to have gotten hit the hardest...hmm...maybe it's because the kids got the flu shot & I didn't...hmmph...too late now!!
Hope to talk to y'all soon, for now I'm taking some Theraflu and going back to bed!!! Goodnight.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Caught a bug!
Posted by pookymadera at Friday, February 29, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
And we're off....
It's 1:20 a.m. Saturday morning and I just finished packing for our mini vacation, we're leaving in about 4 hours!!! OK, so I always wait until the last minute!
So here we go, Gerardo is so excited, I think more excited than the kids. Our trip will include a visit to the Queen Mary, the Aquarium of the Pacific and San Pedro for shrimp and lobster!!
Then two days in Disneyland and California Adventures, then a trip to the Los Angeles Natural History Museum!!
We are so excited, so here we go, I will let you all know how it went....ttyl!!
Posted by pookymadera at Saturday, February 23, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I miss my husband.
Posted by pookymadera at Thursday, February 21, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Baby Damian's Baptism
On February 10, 2008 Gerardo was honored to become Baby Damian Sotelo's Godfather. He was really excited and overjoyed that his little sister asked him to be Damian's Godfather. The day was very special and a lot of fun. I love this picture because you can see all the beautiful water droplets of Holy Water, such a special spiritual moment.
All done, they both have wet heads...Baby D from the Holy Water and Gerardo from sweating in the hot church!
Posted by pookymadera at Wednesday, February 20, 2008 1 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
My Princess Lilly Flowers...
My Lilly is such a girly-girl. She loves princesses, the color pink and anything with glitter! So, I had to take her to see Disney On Ice Princess Wishes.
She loved the whole thing. She sang all the songs, especially to The Little Mermaid. That is the movie that she is obsessed with at the moment.
We love to hear her sing from the backseat as she's watching her dvd's in the car. so cute. I wish that this time would last 4ever. She is so fun. Although very bratty at the same time. :)
Well, she will always be my princess and hopefully she'll stay sweet 4ever!
Posted by pookymadera at Monday, February 11, 2008 1 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
LadyKiller Eyes...
Posted by pookymadera at Friday, February 01, 2008 1 comments
Happy Birthday Jacob!!!
January 27th, 2008 my "baby" boy turned 11 years old. Only a couple more years until the teenage years...ugh! We had his b-day party at the OH Wow Nickel Arcade. It was kind of fast because we only had an hour, but it turned out nice and the kids all had a lot of fun.
Jacob was so excited, it was really funny. He got tons of great presents. When he was opening his gifts, I had to help him because he was actually shaking with excitement!! Cousins Bianca and Michelle.
Cousins Yvette & Monique.
Daddy with Aaron, who was in love with the balloons!
Tia Mimi trying to get baby cousin Ollin to smile, but he was too busy eating pizza!
Posted by pookymadera at Friday, February 01, 2008 0 comments