Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Lilly!!!

She is still the light of my life. I love her so much. I love being the mommy to such a girly-girl!!
As I look back, I realize how lucky I am to have such a wonderful daughter. So full of life. So funny and creative.
I can't even believe that it has been four years. These four years have just flown by!
But they have been full of adventures, laughs and growth. I have seen my princess Lilly grow so much over the last four years. I am so proud of her. And I am so glad that I am her mommy.
Click HERE to see ALL the pics of LILLY'S 4TH birthday &...a little look back!!!
Posted by pookymadera at Tuesday, December 23, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Giving Thanks.

We also have to give thanks for all the little blessings in my life. I have to remind Gerardo of this quite often, but we are very blessed & are very thankful to God for that.
Posted by pookymadera at Friday, November 28, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Posted by pookymadera at Wednesday, November 19, 2008 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Aaron's First Haircut
In August Gerardo had three days of training in Long Beach. So, the kids & I tagged along (I wasn't gonna let him go alone..right Noemi??lol).
We had a lot of fun & did a lot of stuff. A lot of sightseeing, shopping and visiting family.
We were less than an hour away from my family in Oxnard, so one day while Gerardo was in training, me and the kids went to Oxnard to visit.
While we were there, we decided to give Aaron his first haircut, well, it was more of a trim than a full on big boy haircut.
My Auntie Mary had the honor of cutting my baby boy's first little curlies off. She is Jacob's Nina & gave Jacob his first hair cut when he was 9 months old. So, I knew that I wanted her to do it and this was a perfect time.
Aaron did a really great job, he didn't cry or get really fussy. He even smiled and laughed quite a bit during the haircut.
When it was all said and done, it looked pretty cute and you could still tell that he had lots of curls. Gerardo was a little upset with me because he wasn't there, and I don't think he was quite ready for our baby to get his first haircut...even though he had been bugging me about it...ugh, men, they can never make up their minds. But in the end he liked it too.
Click here to see all the pictures of Aaron's first Haircut and some pictures of a short trip to Oxnard Beach.
Posted by pookymadera at Saturday, October 11, 2008 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
A few more pics of the kids in the backyard...
Posted by pookymadera at Friday, October 03, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Kiddos playing in the yard...
Well, the Ol' Blog has been neglected lately, but I've committed myself to getting it updated so everyone knows what's going on with us....and we don't get forgotten..LOL.
I'm going to be updating the blog very frequently in the next few days, I have a lot to cover.
I'm also slowly updating our Phanfare Albums at the same time, so please enjoy our pictures!
These pics are of the kiddos playing in the yard. We enjoyed the yard quite a bit this summer, the kids had a lot of fun playing now that we have grass. These pics were taken in August and Aaron was just learning how to walk so he's still a little wobbly in these pics!
But the wobbly steps didn't stop him from being a total daredevil on the slide!!
Click here to see all the pictures of the kids playing in the backyard!!!
Posted by pookymadera at Tuesday, September 30, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Parenting Skills
OK, OK, so we've never claimed to have the BEST parenting skills in the world...and we proved it on this day when we left the tequila bottle unattended for our 1 year old to get into!!!!
But don't worry, he didn't spill it or drink it..LOL...he just played with the bottle & tried to put the cap back on!
We've learned our lesson, since he started walking and climbing, he's such a hand full. He gets in to everything and we really have to be careful now! We had to put locks on the cabinets and make sure all the doors are locked. If I leave the front door open, even a little bit, he's out there in a flash!
So, anyway, we learned our lesson...he's not quite ready for a shot of tequila...yet...
Click here to see all the pictures!
Posted by pookymadera at Sunday, September 28, 2008 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Chaffee Zoo

Posted by pookymadera at Friday, August 29, 2008 1 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.
Sometimes I sense a little flutter,
Like a shadow swiftly slipping by,
Or I hear a silent gentle murmur,
Like a soft whisper from the sky.
Sometimes I hear you call my name,
Or I clearly see your face before me,
And I feel that you are with me still.
Then peacefully I come to know,
As I am thinking happy thoughts of you,That you, my grandma, are thinking of me, too.
I wanted to share something special that happened last week; I took the kids to the Los Angeles Zoo. For those of you who haven't been there, it is a truly beautiful place, lots of trees and flowers, and big animal exhibits.
The kids & I walked along the paths & just enjoyed each other and all the beautiful surroundings.
At one point we were walking down an empty pathway, trees and flowers along both sides of us. We were walking in silence, Lilly holding my hand, and Jacob pushing Aaron in his stroller.
All of a sudden, Lilly stopped, Looked around, & then looked up at me & said "Mommy? Where's Grandma Chayo?" As clear as day.
It took me back a little bit & I tried to run the day through my head, I tried to remember if we had mentioned her that day, but I had been alone all day with the kids while Gerardo was in training.
Lilly didn't spend much time with her Grandma Chayo & I don't know why she happened to mention her that day. I guess we'll just believe that Grandma Chayo came to visit Lilly, if only for a second, to keep her in her little memory, so she could feel & remember her Grandma's love.
Posted by pookymadera at Tuesday, August 26, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My Daredevil Son Aaron:
Aaron & Lilly have been obsessed lately with playing outside. Which I'm not too happy about in this heat, but I take them out for short periods of time so we don't get too hot!
They have their Little Tike's playground that they LOVE to play on, and my little "baby" boy Aaron has become quite the daredevil:
He climbs up the slide...THE WRONG WAY... & then slides down on his belly BACKWARDS of course..LOLOL...he usually follows with a big exaggerated laugh at the bottom of the slide. He's too funny!!
Posted by pookymadera at Thursday, August 14, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
On Top of Spaghetti...
Posted by pookymadera at Tuesday, August 05, 2008 2 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I finally got the pictures up on phanfare of our trip to Ventura Harbor.
We had a really good time that evening taking silly pictures.
First we went to dinner at this great seafood place. I had scallops, G had fried shrimp (of course) & my cousin Steff had homemade clam chowder in a bread bowl. It was da bomb, so yummy!!
During dinner the kids had fun watching the seagulls flying around and actually landing in the restaurant hoping for a bite to eat!
Then we walked around the harbor and took some pictures. But then we had to leave because it was TOO COLD !!!! Yes, you heard me right...TOO COLD, the kids were cold and I did not pack any jackets so we just packed up and left back to Steff's house for a quiet evening and to let all our food digest! It was great.
Posted by pookymadera at Wednesday, July 30, 2008 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Look who's talking...
I've been wanting to post for awhile all the cute and funny little things that Aaron has been doing lately, but I haven't had a chance. Hopefully I'll get it together & put up some kind of list of his milestones big and small.
The biggest thing lately is how much he's been talking. And all the "words" that he says. It so funny to hear these words come out of my "baby's" mouth, of course it's just because I still look at him as this little baby but the truth is that he's almost 14 months old!!
Here are some of the words he says:
~"wooo" like when he farts or has a stinky diaper he'll wave his hand in front of his nose & say "wooo" (Whew)
~"ha" (hot), when he gets close to the stove he always says this & waves his hand in front of his face in the same motion as when he
~"wow" when he sees something really cool.
~"num-nums" when he's eating or wants something to eat.
~"mmmmm" (really exaggerated) when he's eating something really delicious like Doritos!
~"Spy" (spike) when he's calling the dog.
~"bad, bad, bad", my poor baby gets into trouble a lot.
~"uuummmm" when he's thinking really hard or trying to make a decision.
~"Da-U" (thank you) usually when you give him something.
& all the "norms" .... "ma-ma", "da-da", "pa-pa", "grm-a"(grandma..that one's really cute to hear), "wa-wa" (water), "bye"
~"Uh-Oh" this is one the first things he started saying, it's my favorite so cute in his big deep voice.
~"Uh-Uh" as saying NO to me, he got this one from copying Lilly she says the same thing when she doesn't want to do something.
~"DA-r" (there) he'll say this when he hands you something...and he hands me everything, one by one, toys, papers etc.
~"hi" & "O" (hello), "hey" ...he'll get my cell phone or the house phone & hold it up to his ear & say "O" I'm guessing this is "hello" & he's copying how I answer the phone.
~"bubba" & "bubba" is "brother" and the other is "bubba" for his bottle, they sound almost exactly alike to the untrained ear, only we can tell the difference.
~"BA" (Boo) in his deep man voice, he says this when ever I'm putting his shirt on & it goes over his head, he'll say "BA" (boo) when his head comes out the top of his shirt.
I think he's mastering mimicking his brother and sister because he always tries to say the same words as them and if they're laughing he'll start laughing too, he doesn't know why, he's just copying them! It's so funny and cute to see all this take place, he is talking a lot quicker than the other two kids did. I guess it's because he's learning by example & they never stop talking all day long!! LOL!!
Posted by pookymadera at Friday, July 25, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Posted by pookymadera at Wednesday, July 23, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
We took a much needed break from the Valley heat wave this past weekend. My cousin invited us to go visit her in Oxnard. It was so nice and cool there, it was unbelievable. My cousin even took us to the local police department so Gerardo could get an application!! They did have a heat wave of their own, one of the days we were there it actually got up to 80 degrees!! I really would move there in a minute!!
My cousin Stephanie lives in Oxnard with her husband & her two boys Matthew & Tyler but her husband and her boys were in Illinois for the week visiting her husband's parents. It was so nice she lives really close to the beach and Port Hueneme, we just did a lot of relaxing and cooling off!!
It was perfect. First time Aaron has been on the beach. Port Hueneme, I don't know the name of the beach. He was fine here with his Daddy.
I actually lived here while I went to college, I would sit right on this beach and study!! But, I haven't been here in about 2 years, so it was nice to come back & be jealous of all the great weather!!
I love this picture because you can see Lilly playing in the water in the background!! So cute!! But Aaron did NOT like the wet sand or the water on his feet, he totally cried when I put his toes in the water!
Jacob loves the beach and the water. One of his favorite things to do is to dig up sand crabs. Then he would show them to Lilly and she would run off screaming...funny!
It was also Spike's first time at the beach. We didn't have any one to watch him so he went on our mini vacation with us. It was good because he kept the kids entertained!
Click here if you want to see all the pics of Aaron's first time on the beach & how much fun we all had!!
Posted by pookymadera at Saturday, July 19, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
And The Survey Says...
A few weeks ago I told some of you about the surveys that I have been doing on line & getting paid for. I was just wondering how everyone was doing with them? Did anyone sign up and have you earned anything? I have been doing good with it, I am averaging about $40 or so per week now, which pays for my gas, there are some weeks that I don't get any checks & then some weeks I get a bunch. I have been using a lot of gas running my kids around and going back and forth to my mom's house helping her re cooperate from her surgery.
Last week I got $45 worth of checks. The first pic is of all the checks I got yesterday, they totaled $30 plus a $25 gift card to Red Lobster. The next pic is 2 $5 checks that I received in today's mail. So here's the proof that it really works and you can get a few extra bucks cash.
I have learned how to get through a survey quickly, which surveys to do, and a few other tricks. Email me if you have any questions.
Anyway, if you did sign up, I hope your having fun & earning $$$
Posted by pookymadera at Thursday, July 17, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Lilly's obsessed! Don't read if your easily offended!
So, my 3 year old is obsessed with showing people her butt. It started out cute, but now she won't stop. Any time she sees anyone she knows, she tells them to look at her butt. Yes, that's my Lilly, the exhibitionist in training...oh no, what do I have to look forward to??
Will this lead to flashing guys on spring break?...Will this lead her to a life on the pole?...omg...Gerardo & I were just speculating last night....I don't even want to think about it..LOL
I guess it's natural for kids to be curious about their anatomy, but Lilly's taken it to the next level..LOL
Okay, I have to admit, I laugh every time she does it...I guess that's why she keeps on doing it!
At least she's not naked when she does it, it's pretty much just like this picture. And she hasn't done this to any strangers, although she has done it in front of strangers!
If anyone has any advice...let me know!!
And for those of you that are easily offended...please try not to get to bent out of shape the next time you see my princess and she asks you if you want to see her butt....
Posted by pookymadera at Wednesday, July 09, 2008 1 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Aaron bloggin'....
I can't keep Aaron away from the computer!! He loves to get the mouse and start clicking away!!
He also loves the blue power button on the tower of the computer.
He loves to push it and turn it on and off!!
I know one of these days my computer is gonna crash and it's gonna be all Aaron's fault!!
Today I heard some clicking noises and I KNEW that he was messing with the computer.
I came into the room and there he was....BLOGGING!! LOL
I don't know how he did it, but he clicked on the link to Tia Mimi's blog!!!
I guess he just wanted to check out his cousin Ollin!! So funny!! I had to take a picture before he got in trouble!!
Posted by pookymadera at Monday, July 07, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Posted by pookymadera at Saturday, July 05, 2008 2 comments
Let's Go Swimming...
My kids have really learned to love swimming this summer! We believe in getting the kids into the water as soon as possible so their not afraid to learn to swim. I put Jacob in the pool at 6 months old, we put Lilly in the pool for the first time in summer 2005 when she was about 7 months old, & Aaron was just too little last summer so this summer is his first time in the pool, and I would have liked to get him in earlier because he is a little more afraid than the other kids. Lilly went swimming last year, but this year she has just decided to go for it & took off swimming with floaties only! She's not afraid at all, she swims all over the pool, in the deep end & everywhere! Yesterday she started jumping off the step, it's only a matter of time until she's jumping off the diving board!! She's my little adventurous!!
We have been putting Aaron in the pool this year, but since he's already a year old he's got his own ideas about being in the water. He doesn't like it when it's too cold, so he'll cry until we get him out. But on a nice warm day when the water is nice and warm, he'll stay in the pool for a long time & float around in his little boat & splash the water!
Jacob has always swam in the pool, but he's always been deathly afraid to swim without floaters & he never jumps off the diving board. But this year he just got brave one day & decided to swim without his floaters. It was surprising but he just took off swimming all over the pool & the deep end without being scared. Yesterday he tried jumping from the diving board & really did a good job, before the end of the day he was doing cannonballs, twists & trying to dive!! We're proud of him.
And all of you remember, we're gonna spend a lot of time at my mom's house swimming this summer...and you're always invited to join us!!
Click here to see all the pics & to see video of Lilly swimming & Jacob doing a cannonball off the diving board for the first time!!
Posted by pookymadera at Saturday, July 05, 2008 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
What The???
How do toddlers fall asleep in such crazy positions???
I only got this one pic of Lilly asleep yesterday, she woke up with the flash so I couldn't get a view of her from the other side.
But she's actually asleep STANDING UP on the couch. She's standing on the edge of the couch & leaning over on to the recliner.
My poor princess, but I guess she was comfortable enough to fall asleep!!
I have so many pics of Jacob asleep in weird positions too! I don't know how they do it!
Oh well, Sweet Dreams!!
Posted by pookymadera at Friday, July 04, 2008 2 comments